hello, I want to know how to change the default language to Indonesian, I've read the documentation article but I don't really understand how to do it because I'm new to coding and I think this framework is very good for practice. Thank you in advance
In Options.js located in the JS folder, you should find
// Initial Settings monogatari.preferences ({ // Initial Language for Multilanguage Games or for the Default GUI Language. 'Language': 'English',
Change English to your language of choice.
remeranAuthor thanks for the reply, I've tried to do as you suggested but nothing changes when I run it in the browser, especially on the main screen the buttons are still in English, I also tried changing the line in multilanguage to true but it throws an error.
Axel What error did it throw for you?
remeranAuthor it's not really an error, it's like an alert that I have to change the label language in script.js according to the language I choose if using multilanguage, but since I only want to implement one language, I thought I'd turn off the multilanguage. but as i said before if i change multilanguage to false, the web will run normally but still in English even though i have changed preference section in option.js to different language. so the main problem is that the language doesn't change that's all. but maybe for now I'll move on to the scripts, dialogs, assets implementation part and leave the language like this for a while. thanks again for the answer.
Axel That happens because your preferences have already been saved in your browser with the English language, so even if you change it in you options.js file, it still reads your previously saved preferences and uses that.
To reset that, you need to delete the saved preferences from your browser's local storage.